I constantly feel that to even try to condense and present the sheer numbers of converging things around the world today is impossible. It just cannot be done. We have a society that wants bite-sized awesome news, no patience, yet the astronomical nature of changes occurring, and the pace of them, is really tough to keep ahead of, let alone report on - yet they are highly significant.
I'm just putting a few links here to some things I've come across mainly this week. Whether you're looking at the Middle East (Israel in particular - the centre of end-of-the-age prophecy); technology convergence; geo-political movements; or earth-changes, I am hearing a very common theme from many and varied commentators which is this: it is very hard to comprehend how the alignment of things we see today (that perfectly fits the line-up needed prior to the tribulation period) could stay this way for very long.
There is a window here that won't be open very long, which would allow the events of the Bible in the last days to come about soon. The fast-moving players in the Mid-East scene alone should have even the most conservative Bible-prophecy onlooker at least a little excited that perhaps even very soon, we will see the Saviour of mankind appearing to take believers away, and the opening of judgement upon the earth, prophesied thousands of years ago and set before time began.
So with that little intro, here's some food-for-thought-links:
Amir Tsfarti Update
Latest update about what the peace plan Trump's team is proposing and how it's different than all previous attempts by US Presidents (he doesn't really get going until about 10 mins in) but is interesting what Saudi's new prince (soon to be King) is doing in trying to restrict Iran/Russia in Syria etc (related to Ezekiel 38 war alignment against Israel). The prince is expected to be crowned King maybe this week (he has recently survived an assassination attempt) - he's a real mover and is aligning with Israel, against Iran. - 42 mins video (start at 10 mins recommended)
Jason A Update
This week focuses on geneology and how it appears science showing we have a common ancestry to a single male / female (i.e adam/eve). Raises the ethical issues (again) of CRISPR gene editing Also includes footage of the new museum of the Bible (USD $500M facility in DC run by Steve Green -
Jason A update: - 12 mins video
Alien Intrusion
Alien Intrusion Unmasking A Deception – In theaters 1/11/18. The Dove Foundation review: Solid groundwork is laid that debunks the theory of UFOs and aliens and an alternative is proposed: that these entities are spiritual in nature and using the idea of aliens to distract from the truth and torment human souls. The position, especially by eye-witnesses, is that the name of Jesus is the powerful tool that works every time to dispel the behavior and visitations from these entities. A sound biblical argument is constructed to detail why such entities would be interested in deceiving people, and how to deny and turn from these lies. Much data and many statistics are used to support the claim that aliens and UFOs are not real but are instead spiritual manifestations. - 2-min video trailer
“Scientists have found strong evidence that 2018 will see a big uptick in the number of large earthquakes globally. Earth’s rotation, as with many things, is cyclical, slowing down by a few milliseconds per day then speeding up again.”
RT Article Excerpt:
“Scientists warn that fluctuations in the speed of Earth’s rotation could trigger a swarm of devastating earthquakes across the globe, particularly in heavily populated tropical regions.
The impact is greater on the tectonic plates near some of the Earth’s most populous regions along the Equator, home to about a billion people.”
AI and Robotics
Boston Dynamics Atlas
Boston Dynamics latest evolution of Atlas humanoid (don't think this is just a hobby - this will be weaponised with infrared, biometrics, self-learning AI, converging tech and distributed command). BD used to be owned by Google until sold this year. I believe AI will feature strongly during the tribulation by the way (which I don't believe we'll be here for). - 1 min video
Boston Dynamics small robot-dog (Spot-Mini) has recently had a facelift. Same applications in military, as part of a distributed command system if needed. - 25-second promo video
World's First Humanoid Robot gains citizenship - Article
Sophia - world's first humanoid robot to be granted citizenship in a country (do a YouTube search for videos on Sophia!)
Bitcoin breaks more records - Article
Bitcoin reaches record ($1000 into Bitcoin in 2011 would be worth over $2.6M today). I believe blockchain technology will be used for the beast system. Countries and banks are now either embracing or regulating it, or trying to restrict it, however it continues to surge. (Do a search on Ethereum too - another flexible blockchain technology allowing for "smart contracts" without middle parties).
eyes on Australia - further thoughts
Australia is just 0.3% of the world's population (which affects our experiential awareness of the world), yet is also embracing world-government (through the "threat" of terrorism - remember the tools of fear and pleasure during these end-of-the-age days). Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is pushing for a national photo-database connected to biometric scanning cameras in public places, basically knowing where we are at all times (on top of the phone-metadata laws he passed before becoming PM). This information will be shared abroad, and be able to be hacked like all network-accessible information (see update article here).
Also the increasing popularity in putting chips in their hands is just waiting for us to be connected to the blockchain system of payment (and contracts) decentralising government (as we know today) and introducing the world-government. We're perhaps one crisis away from having this step achieved. A chip would carry all of our ID, medical and personal details, banking and ability to make payments, (plus the ability to be hacked and tracked).
final thoughts
It seems every week has unprecedented events being witnessed on a scale never seen before. We haven't even begun to discuss the wave of I have not seen a such a variety of people this week so strongly express in some form their difficulty in seeing beyond the short-term how the events we are seeing could be sustained without the rapture occurring soon. It's like the biblically-prophetic passages are literally being set up before our eyes - so surreal it's like watching a movie.
If this is all a bit deep or new to you - just know this: You are created, loved and have a choice to accept the reconciliation on offer by your loving Father that is the only way to be saved from this mess of human-choosing that has brought so much destruction. Do this soon, and you can be saved also from the coming judgement. We love you and hope you can take the time to do what you need in order to see this decision as critical at this time.
Those who have accepted this great news, be encouraged to share with others because we can't be sure when our last day might be before the day of our Blessed Hope...