eternity is...
A simple way to think of eternity, is time without beginning or end. We are eternal beings, and that's why most of us feel there must be more to this life. This life is temporary which is a good thing - because it has become a fallen world and creation - disconnected and out of alignment from it's original design. Despite human efforts to overcome our problem, the trajectory of mankind is inevitably downward. Don't be fooled by news and false hope that the problems of humanity will be overcome by humanity. If you haven't realised - humanity is the problem, so we can't be the solution. The hope we have, is a remnant of our created design - and our hope must be placed in something immovable (which is not our world - our Creator Himself has told us it will be shaken along with the heavens one last time!). We need our hope placed in Him alone.
You and I live under the legally-binding effects this chasm between humanity and the Author of light, life and love until we accept reconciliation which makes us brand new, able to be regenerated. We can then take the journey in our souls back towards our original design of perfect harmony, coming from a place of spiritual completion inside.
Science today, in studies of quantum physics shows the existence of dimensions outside time. This means where we live today (in space and time) is only a construct that we dwell within, and are constrained by.
Eternity is experienced by every soul after our earthly passing, with greater clarity and consciousness than we have today, and with all of our faculties intact.
The choice of where we spend Eternity is made today, and brings massive and immediate meaning to our lives in the present.
places in eternity
There are two places we can go in eternity that I want to explain, and it's based on what side of the chasm we find ourselves upon our earthly death. Whether we accept reconciliation with our Creator before we die or whether we choose to reject it is the difference between being on either side. This gives our lifetime on earth incredible purpose and meaning as we work out our decisions and consequences.
Using the perspective of life outside time, we need to remember we were individually created with love intended for eternity together in a beautiful, loving, energy-filled place millions of times more beautiful than earth is today, with others in a place free of evil, malice, strife and all the other things we see today. This place is known as Heaven. (To hear stories about what Heaven is like, I would highly recommend the book/ ebook / audio book Imagine Heaven, where scientific research and stories are recorded of those who have been declared deceased and then been revived, telling of their experience of Heaven, and our loving Creator Father).
We are all born onto the wrong side of this chasm separating us from our Creator, and it is impossible to transcend this problem of separation from the source of life and love on our own. Most people are trying one way or another to be "better", however this will never bring us to the standards required because of the spiritual core-issue that is beyond our ability or power to address. Yet having this issue dealt with, paves the way for all other issues to be worked out in our lives, and it's fixed by accepting the work of another, for you, as a gift to you.
Only one person lived the life of perfection, required to reconcile humanity with a perfect Creator, and place of living. He has become the bridge needed so we can cross the chasm back to the place we were designed to be. His name is Yeshua (Jesus), and He is the Son of our Creator, who came to earth, fully human to do the work needed to make this reconciliation available. The only thing left is our choice to accept or reject it.
A place of perfection and true freedom is Heaven - the ultimate end of the journey we can start today and is fulfilled upon our death. In fact, Heaven is the home we are all created for. It's a tangible place, created without any form of evil, yet with profound fulfillment, satisfaction, meaning, purpose and so much more. If you imagine everything good we see today in life, purify and magnify it exponentially, perhaps we have can see the idea. Living in this place is our destiny, if we accept the gift before we die.
We arrive in heaven for eternity, to spend with others who likewise during their earthly life acknowledged their fallen state, believed in the only one able to offer reconciliation, and called upon His name. This is literally a salvation out of a curse, and connection back to our true design... forever. The whole big plan of our Creator, is to do away with evil and the fallen curse-filled creation we have, and create a brand new one (heavens and earth) with incorruptible bodies. Truly amazing, and makes any offer of the world today pretty poor by comparison.
Conversely, hell is a place without any good. It was not created for humans - it was created as a place of punishment for the fallen angels, including Satan. However humans will go there if they don't choose to accept reconciliation with their Creator through Yeshua (their own "good works" will not add up on judgement day to the perfection needed). The reason the choice is left to us, is because that is the at the core of true love - free choice. It gives all our relationships integrity, and this free choice was created within us and is protected by our Creator. We are truly free to choose, however we are also shown the path to choose for true freedom. We are shown cause-and-effect of our actions, ahead of time, according to our Creator's immense love towards us. Choose life, light and love! He says.
Unfortunately, media has trivialised the concept of hell in many ways including making it fun, fake, naughty, free and making it a place of rebellion against "good" (a.k.a. out-of-touch church, rules, religion etc) and that all this a worthy reason to head for hell. However now that we've considered what heaven is, it's true that hell is the opposite. Imagine everything bad and evil we see today in life, distill it and magnify it exponentially.
Use your 5 senses and imagine the difference. If heaven is light, hell is dark. Heaven is soothing, hell is excruciating. Heaven has endless water, hell has unquenchable thirst. Heaven has incredible relationship, hell has incredible loneliness. Heaven has places to explore and live in, hell is a prison with no reference point at all. Heaven has amazing music and sounds, hell has constant sounds of torment, agony, pain. Heaven has ultimate love. Hell has ultimate fear. I think you get the picture.
Why is it like this? I recommend reading our good news page, however it comes down to our Creator's plan to separate evil and good, and to protect the free choice he has given us. We can truly choose whether our pride will have us stand before our almighty Creator on judgement day and tell all the “wonderful” things we did in our life, thinking it meets the standards of perfect heaven. Or to have relied completely on the work of the Creator's Son Yeshua (Jesus) and in faith, accept His gift today. Yeshua is our mediator on that mighty day in court for all of us... who would you rely upon - the work of Yeshua or your own? Remembering a single mistake or evidence of your fallen nature at any time in your life is evil enough to banish from heaven for eternity. Nothing can balance the scales. You need to be born again today, accepting the spirit of Yeshua within you - a new creation is made inside you - freeing you today, and this is your salvation on that day also.
Those going to hell will know why they are there. There is no discussion or unfairness and all will know they had a chance to accept the gift on offer, although preferring to continue "making it on their own". Stop. Think. Be wise and realise - we all need saving. Every one of us. However if you choose to reject Christ, He will reject you, and you will be allowed (and eternally stuck in) your chosen path devoid of life, light, and love forever… along with all those who have also chosen this.
So, heaven for eternity, protected from evil, in the presence of our loving Father, able to freely explore, live, relate, eat, travel around and so much more... it's truly a place of paradise, love and safety.
Hell for eternity, also a created place originally made for the fallen angels (who also had free choice and rebelled) of torment, regret, pain and all the things described above and more. A place that in essence, is completely void of the things we need to sustain the life we were created for. A place devoid of the character and essence of God our Father - no love, no hope.
I hope I have described enough to help us realise the incredible trajectory our life on earth has. We all know we have an opportunity to make a decision. Both heaven and hell are progressions of our decisions we make today.
Why is eternity so important?
Because it's so long... it's forever. So the real question about where you will spend it.
Take a moment to contemplate - is anything in this life more important than making that decision about where you will spend eternity?
when should I decide?
One of Israel's ancient rabbis advised: "Repent one day before your death" to which his disciples asked "Does then one know on what day he will die?" to which the rabbi replied "Then all the more reason that he repent today" (Rabbi Eliezer, Shabbat 153a).
the difference between eternity and "the end"
On a site such as this, misunderstandings can happen easily for those new to this genre of study. There are two distinctions that need to be made here between end of the age that is transitioning to another (this site), and end of the world (not at all what this site is about).
Being focused on the end of the age, means things will keep keeping on, albeit with massive change and destruction. It may seem like "end of the world" to some, however it's a 7-year transition to rid the world of evil through judgement, and prepare it for the rule and reign of Christ and His body.
We are currently in a period called the "church age" or the age of grace. It's a window of time allowing humans to make our choices to believe or reject our Creator's offer of reconciliation and love. This age is nearly over, and some evidence for this is covered on our 2017-18 page.
However there is a third distinction that needs to be made, which is our personal responses to what we are seeing, and regarding the end of your life on earth. Our lives here are temporary, being a period of choice and preparation for eternity. All of us should accept our lives on earth will end. Those rejecting this are madly trying to develop a way to live forever in artificial simulation in what Julian Assange called a religion for athiests (source).
This is because Eternity is actually part of our DNA. We are made for it, and will all live in time without end, once our period of choice on earth has ended. We have a world-age of choice (about to end) and our lifetime of choice (ending whenever our "time is up"). Both of these are converging right now and we need to accept that our decision upon death (in our earthly bodies at least) will last for eternity and place us in either heaven or hell. This is not a joke, old school, or anything other than truth. In fact part of the deception we need to see is that entities are trying to get your attention away from this truth as long as you live, in order to ensure you go to eternal destruction. A goal of this site is to explain this a little.
enemy of our soul
You and I have an enemy of our souls, and our souls are the most valuable thing on the planet. Your enemy exists and he is doing anything to keep us from finding inner peace and eternal salvation - his name is Satan. Whatever he can find is being thrown at us in a last-ditch attempt to keep us out of heaven (in case you need clues, he's using the tools of fear and pleasure in this distraction). We must focus and make a choice on where we will spend eternity.
culture does not feed our soul
How much of our culture is focused on how we are going deep within our souls, internally? Barely any! So little attention is given to nurturing our hearts. Our inner lives are bombarded and struggling like never before, and all we want to do is see clearly. So is it any wonder we have such high rates of suicide, depression and mental illness? We've had enough of noisy, opinionated drool saturating our lives, and taking up our time. It's time to find life and peace. So we need to focus here... eternity is a long time... where will you be?
you were created for so much more
Really this message hasn't changed. It's just that the time frame is nearly up to make the decision and for mankind to transition to eternity. It's the end of the age that's coming, not the end of life. You are created to be reconciled with your Creator - Father, and live permanently in His family, in His home with your true brothers and sisters in heaven for eternity. This life is a time of decision for you to accept or reject the solution to this curse we are born into. Don't worry about anything else in this moment, except the eternal destiny of your soul right now - where are you headed if you died tonight?
If you want any indication of heaven and hell, you can see elements of both on earth today. The only difference, is that in eternity, both will be amplified to their fullest extent and further developed for eternity. Where would you rather be? Heaven or Hell? If you died today, where would you be?
message from heaven
We used to care for some indigenous Australian children. Prior to one of them coming into our care, she became very sick, and was on the verge of dying (having experienced a Near-Death-Experience or NDE - see this site for more info on NDE’s and Heaven), after being in a coma. Weeks later, when she woke up her she relayed a message.
She said to the nursing staff and her mother "I've been to see Jesus. He held me in his arms and said "I'm sending you back... to tell your mob (family) to go to church... and I'm coming back soon."" Since this time, her whole family in her community have come to believe, and are heading to heaven for eternity.
It's time to realise we are created, and can be reconciled with our loving Father - Creator. He is coming back soon, and the decision time is today.
“...He has put Eternity into our hearts...”
Whether you believe in coincidence, or a guided agenda, this is a body of evidence that should form part of a critical-thinker’s volume of information to form an accurate world view. If you only have 5 minutes, then start at approximately the 47 min mark where he uses the example of the Simpsons, a virus, vaccinations, and the rapture!