Question: Could it be possible that some “cartoons” of the Simpsons are “real news”, and some “real news outlets” actually “fake news”?
I would encourage those who research, to investigate the many ways media is used to “wash our brains” or condition us to think or expect certain conditions coming upon the world. This has been written about on this site previously.
JD Farag’s most recent update, provides examples of many TV and movie shows apparently predicting a virus in detail, that is incredibly close to what we are seeing today. In fact, using the quotes from the author of the “satanic bible”, TV is the medium used to control and program us.
Whether you believe in coincidence, or a guided agenda, this is a body of evidence that should form part of a critical-thinker’s volume of information to form an accurate world view. If you only have 5 minutes, then start at approximately the 47 min mark where he uses the example of the Simpsons, a virus, vaccinations, and the rapture!
Take care, and accept the Love you were meant for today!