Wow how do we start an update with all that has happened since March…
This update’s primary purpose is to share a video uploaded 6 days ago from Dr Carrie Madej. Dr Madej is an internal medicine physician, trained in allopathic and osteopathic hospitals. She stands for Truth, Freedom, and Great Love. The video can be viewed at the bottom of this brief update, and covers the concerning aspects of the COVID vaccine development. If you are a believer in vaccines, you should be aware that vaccines today, are very different to those in the past. If you are unsure, please watch the video below - it might be the best thing you can do to determine your future and those of your loved ones if you are offered or forced to take a vaccine to resume “normal” life (whatever normal is going to be defined as from now on).
First of all though, since the last update in March, we can see the economic impact of the COVID response is severe. An estimated 1 million Australians will have lost their jobs by the end of the year, with already 835,000 jobs lost since April 2020. Worldwide, an estimated 400 million equivalent full time jobs have been lost. This has resulted in increased dependence on the State for support, and a mentally / emotionally-weakened population.
Swinburne University in Melbourne has conducted a survey, finding significantly increased rates of depression, anxiety and stress across all age ranges, with hospitalisation-levels of overall mental health issues in over 50% of Australians - all in just 3 months…. and we can see why.
Huge fines for going out of homes, crossing borders, doing anything unnecessary or non-essential as determined by medical officers speaking through politicians. Multiple agendas are coming into play through this COVID-Catalyst. Loss of jobs, mandatory physical distancing, termed “social distancing” - (of which the term alone “social” wrongly conditions our thoughts to stay away from each other in more ways than just physically, when we actually need to be socially closer to each other). This naturally increases fear, and suspicion of others, and assists the cause of the bigger agendas at play. In fact the division this response is causing at personal and state levels just in our country is incredible.
(If you are interested in further research about where this is going, also have a look at the World Economic Forum’s website “The Great Reset”… where it talks about a new “social contract” at the core of the ground-up rebuilding of the world…. you would assume once this world as we know it completes it’s controlled demolition)…
However while the response seems to be going along unhindered with most people taking the punishment of all the response is dishing out, not much is (or has ever been) reported about the actual virus itself. We have just accepted the virus for what it is being reported as, so therefore we are swallowing the response pill. We have unprecedented “soft martial law” measures being undertaken in a “free country” to control a virus that is killing how many people?
Hmmm, we only hear about “cases” and “deaths”, but without being given a death-rate summary, or average age of deaths for a start (most deaths are men over 80 years old where the average age according to new metrics are the highest in the world at just 74.1 years old - in other words, MOST DEATHS ARE OCCURRING AMONGST THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED AT LEAST SIX YEARS PAST AVERAGE who, despite having multiple health issues already, can still be counted as a COVID fatality just for having the virus in their system at time of death, regardless of any other chronic health issues)… but that alone is a whole other topic including the possibility of over-reporting deaths and death rates i.e. could this virus be much less lethal than we are being led to believe?).
In addition, a few studies have been completed by organisations including Stanford in the US, concluding a possible 50-85 times more people may have been infected with COVID-19 and were asymptomatic… in other words, a much greater number of people had COVID-19 as shown by the antibodies they had produced, yet were unaware they had it, as they had no symptoms. The means the mortality rate, or how deadly the virus is - is greatly reduced to being very similar to the flu mortality. I also have associates linked to the Dutch study, who reported that their research showing similar results to Standford’s, has been suppressed. Instead, we find mainstream media very interested in whitewash-reporting of anyone who is outside the main demographic of deaths / symptoms - i.e. ANYONE younger than average affected by COVID, gets huge press coverage, just to make sure we are all going along with the narrative behind the draconian response / lockdown measures… and as long as we are kept guessing or thinking for ourselves until the “fast-tracked” vaccine arrives…
Furthermore, people try to mentally cope with the lockdown measures by saying “well we need to protect the elderly - they matter too!”. Of course they do, but this logic doesn’t stack up today with the current military-type measures in place. If elderly people matter now, as demonstrated by flu deaths being dramatically reduced this year, why didn’t flu deaths matter in previous years? And why don’t we just lock down nursing homes, instead of the entire, mostly healthy country or world? We are entering an un-recoverable phase of damage, from which society will dramatically change… and this is part of a pre-planned catalyst to totally re-order the world under the guise of “sustainability” and “social contracts” - see the social pressure being mandated for wearing masks now, despite the volumes of research showing the tiny coronavirus being so small as to easily pass through most cloth and fabric masks…
Start scratching the surface of this whole event called the Pandemic (of which the definition pandemic has been changed by the WHO prior to this event, allowing it to be called such today) and things get pretty uncomfortable as there seems to be plenty of evidence for a narrative behind the narrative. However that is a story for another day. In fact, please don’t rely on these few paragraphs here as your information source. Do your own research :) After all, we spent approximately 12 years at school to learn to use our brains for ourselves did we not?!
However as this is all moving so quickly, and people are scrambling to make sense of the “new world” we find ourselves in, not to mention making sense of our emotions, mental health, and all the other impacts of this period of time…. by the time we rest our exhausted minds on a clear view of the response, based on the virus itself - even if it is exactly as is being served up to us by the “news”…. we still have to grapple with the third and final piece of the puzzle coming our way very soon, by which time most people will be happy to accept, and that is the vaccine. And this is the whole point… as most people have been unprepared for thinking differently to the narrative we have been fed for many years about how the world works, the idea is to “fast track” this vaccine which is the final point of this whole narrative… you can hear the soothing voice of hope and calming “just take the vaccine, and it will all be ok…” NOT!
The Vaccine
In all the research I’ve undertaken, I agree with Dr Carrie Madej’s great summary in the video below, of the current vaccines being developed for COVID-19. She does an incredible job of explaining and broad and complex topic into a simple summary… that should have us sit up and listen… and of course for those who know the outline given in the Bible, of history written ahead of time, we can see this outline being coloured in during our very generation…
As I said earlier, some of the new age vaccines can be developed and produced so quickly now, because they are synthetic and rely on coding our bodies at cellular RNA / DNA level. HOWEVER this does not mean they are safe, as they will not have been tested over a normal testing phase for humans… and this alone is a big issue. However, the takeaway in this new vaccine, is the other technologies that are likely to be packaged with it, or in the very near future, that should have us thinking about what future we are literally allowing into our lives and our bodies… a very worthwhile 20 minutes.
Until next time, take care and allow the Love in your life you were meant for!