Links for further study
We are experiencing fulfilment of Biblical prophecy right before our eyes. Jesus said we should watch when these things begin to happen - in fact he said to look up!
To those looking for their redemption drawing near, it is an exciting time to be alive!
The details may vary yet the main message is the same from those in the watching community below: Jesus is coming back again soon. The message of this site is to be ready as the hour is late.
Thank you to the faithful and educated group of people who have helped me study for myself, some of whom are listed below.
heaven publications
Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises and the exhilarating future that awaits you. For decades, former skeptic John Burke has been studying accounts of survivors brought back from near death who lived to tell of both heavenly and hellish experiences. In his book, Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of survivors—including doctors, college professors, bank presidents, people of all ages and cultures, and even blind people–point to the exhilarating picture of Heaven promised in the Bible. Ebook, Audiobook and Paperback.
God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience. Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including nonbelievers, God and the Afterlife presents startling evidence that a Supreme Being exists—and there is amazing consistency about what he is like - radiating love and grace. Ebook, Audiobook and Paperback.
end times Websites
Stop World Control - a current and powerful site with evidence of the mass collusion happening before our eyes in 2021. COVID; Vaccines; Media and more. Doctors, lawyers, scientists interviewed and reporting. (a widely-read end-times site with extensive archives and thoughtful analysis)
Daniel Matson - Watch for the Day (to-the-point analysis with thought-provoking patterns and numbers uncovered with . Pointing to design in everything.)
Todd Hampson (cartoonist and blogger, prophecy for beginners with great material - "removing the fear factor from prophecy")
Daily Crow (very detailed study into patterns, numbers and convergences. Not for the faint hearted, design over coincidence. Daily updates page is also helpful)
end times YouTube Channels
JD Farag (The official YouTube channel of Aloha Bible Prophecy with Pastor JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii - experienced exposition with commentary focused on the US and Mid-East).
Behold Israel (Amir Tsarfati was born in Israel and has lived there most of his life. Since fulfilling his mandatory service in the Israeli Defense Force, he has continued as a major in the IDF Reserve. In 2001, he became founder and president of Behold Israel – a non-profit organization which provides worldwide real-time access to reliable sources of news and information about Israel from within the powerful context of Bible history and prophecy.)
Unsealed (Since 2010 - providing news and commentary pointing to the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the end of the age. Featuring world news, Christian news, and prophecy updates)
RevelationChapter12 (as above - excellent video series, strong on Biblical astronomy)
free e-books (on revelation 12 sign that was matched in the heavens 23/9/17)
The Revelation 12 Sign (Newly released book) - Phil Moser
God's Roadmap to the End (Updated 2017) - Jaco Prinsloo (Mechanical Engineer)
Comprehensive Revelation 12 / 2017 summary in just 34 pages.
rapture study
Dr Michael Svigel (Dallas Theological Seminary) investigates original scriptures and writings in support of the rapture. The recent rise of the New Apostolic Movement (NAR) seems to push the rapture to the side, ignoring its biblical basis as an end-times event, in a move appearing to be an example of what CS Lewis called “chronological snobbery”. This includes the apparent re-interpretation of a key Greek word “harparzo” as being merely figurative - making it all the way to an NAR “translation” called the Passion (TPT). It might surprise many of the calibre and exegetical approach from the 1800's, and also referring to Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202, who studied under a student of the Apostle John, writer of the book of Revelation). Dr Svigel also points to additional resources and books for further research including from authors such as Dr. Renald Showers - author of Maranatha: Our Lord Come (A definitive study of the rapture of the church) available here on Amazon.
Whether you believe in coincidence, or a guided agenda, this is a body of evidence that should form part of a critical-thinker’s volume of information to form an accurate world view. If you only have 5 minutes, then start at approximately the 47 min mark where he uses the example of the Simpsons, a virus, vaccinations, and the rapture!