I know it’s been a while since an update. This is partly because of the overwhelming rate and volume of things happening and it’s hard to stay up to date at times. It's also because of the reverence I feel about this time we are in. Yes it's exciting, and at times daunting, but mostly I feel deep reverence. There is enough happening for those who have ears and eyes to see for themselves, and for those people, I'm glad to be sharing the experience with you.
I have to be honest. I know I'm not the most educated, or experienced, or even talented writer and fountain of knowledge. But I know truth when I see it. This is truth. Some see it as foolishness - and this is written about by the Son of our Creator. Everything you see written on this site, is coming from a centre of the cross of Christ and what that means in 2018. The scriptures say it is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God. That's a pretty big distinction between 2 groups of people! But that's what we are seeing today. Those who hold to biblical beliefs are sometimes "extremists" now, and seen as foolish. Nothing has changed, yet all will see the light of God at the appointed time.
The whole world will not be saved - that's a fact. However to those with ears and eyes to hear and see - keep digging for truth and share the love with others because this is ultimately a story of love that has gone so far to give us a lasting (eternal), legitimate and powerful salvation from ourselves and the effects of evil, and all the while leaving us with completely free decision-making capacity.... and this brings me to an overriding question here... will you still your soul today... breathe... and take in this loving truth? Your are loved today right where you are and with no regard to what you have done because the price of your salvation has been fully paid in full. You are still a creation of our Father and you can re-join the family you were created for, and take the journey into your original design of peace, love, and rest.
So we are entering a critical time in the life of Israel, the soon centrepiece of the world’s attention (particularly Jerusalem according to Zechariah 12) and the surrounding mood and development of the culture and technology of the world is still heading at breakneck speed.
Our world and culture are fallen. We are living in the part of the story where things are going to get real bad, real fast. We are in the generation of time spoken of by the Son of our Creator that would experience all these things. Yet not all people will remain on earth to experience the wrath of our Father upon evil. Evil must be dealt with - and I encourage you to get a "ticket" for the rapture. Accept your place as a son or daughter of the living God of heaven and earth.
Not everyone agrees on all the details - and really I suppose these are not all important. However, the main message agreed upon is this: it's time to accept our place as created beings, where our Father wants to have a restored relationship with us and has done everything needed, leaving the decision to us. We truly have been created with free will, so that our relationship with Him should we choose it, has integrity and authenticity.
Also, Jesus is coming back. It's time to recognise this now. So, we are living in the part of the story which is about to experience the needed judgement on all the evil that is rampant and enslaving humanity, making things ready for Jesus to rule on earth.
For a greater understanding of what is slated to happen shortly and how things will play out, I encourage you to read Daniel Matson's recent discussion here. Here's an extract:
“The problem is these enemies of God want to eliminate the name of Israel. If the promises of God for Israel are made null then all is lost, even the inheritance for the hidden ones. This is the diabolical goal. These enemies are now the surrounding Islamic nations of Israel. With the true friends of Israel hidden in heaven via the Rapture, these enemies will sense the opportunity. But how far after the Feast of Pentecost does this war occur?”
I gave a talk recently to some young high-school students and was very encouraged by their response. People are looking for answers that make sense today. I started by describing how little we really know about what's out there as humanity combined. The CERN facility in Europe where scientists from over 60 countries are working (the one that discovered the "God Particle - Higgs Boson" in their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) a few years ago - it's the world's largest machine) has a statement on their website which sums up a great reminder for us all. They are talking about how there is a heap of dark energy and dark matter that makes up our universe and life, and everything we know about today that makes up everything, only accounts for 5% of what's actually there. It is well known, that a director of the CERN facility at the time of it's opening, publicly stated they might open doors to other dimensions and that "out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it."
We are foolish if we don't see the spiritual connections in our physical world. We mostly only account for our 4-dimensional universe in our everyday life - and we are certainly conditioned to continue that way of limited (and dangerous) thinking. It's dangerous because the safest place to live is reality. 3-dimensions of space (height, width, depth) and a point of time (the 4th) are the conscious realities of our everyday life. However even science questions how many dimensions there might be. Some scientists say according to Superstring Theory that we may have up to 10 or more dimensions existing in the universe. The point is - there is way more depth to our lives than what our everyday life (especially in our cultures) tends to admit. Even a cursory study of quantum physics will show how counter-intuitive reality seems to be at that level.
This has the effect of distracting us, and is part of a co-ordinated plan to keep us from seeking and finding truth. Seeking is a problem because the task seems so daunting, and few have spare time or know where to start. Facebook for example, has looked after that problem of any remaining spare time and has become an immense distraction. It was recently admitted by Sean Parker, co-founder of Facebook, that the team deliberately designed Facebook to consume as much of our conscious time as possible, and preyed on a known psychological vulnerability in humans - that is the dopamine feedback loop activated when people "like" us. Sean has gone on with other former tech-company executives to create a coalition to promote awareness of this and the dangers it poses to us people... say no more.
And... finding is a problem because of the sheer volume of information available to all of us. So I think we need to cut to the chase. We are in the middle of a battle for our souls. Our lives are a window of time in order to make our free-willed decision about whether we will acknowledge our place as created beings, and therefore our Creator, accepting His plan to be saved from this fallen world that came about from a virus called "sin" that entered and and has infected everything. All of creation "groans" today longing for the redemptive plan to be fulfilled.
Our souls are built for love - and the only way to be truly fulfilled is to be connected to the Source - our Creator Father.
The sin/death virus combination has been dealt with but we need to accept the Spirit of Life - believe and confess that Jesus is Lord. Many have obstacles to this - but we need to move past them. Don't sit looking at an obstacle, however meaningful it might be to you. Your Father is bigger than that, and can dissolve them if we really want to find life itself. Our eternal future is too important to be hampered by things placed in our way of making that decision.
You and I have a choice to make. Will we accept the spirit of Christ (our Creator's own Son) which has been made available today? Or will we continue to be the gods of our own lives? If yours is the second option - what's your escape plan for the incredible wrath coming upon the earth? Because God is going to rid the world of evil - and because we are born with an inherited death-sentence which we can't get out of - and continued in that line of our fallen disposition - we are sitting ducks in the line of fire if we are around when judgement falls.
Those that become Christians during the tribulation days coming soon that finally decide this is truth (and have missed the rapture event - the rescue plan out of earth for a time), can still be saved I believe, however scripture says these will be seen as extremists (something we are almost seeing labelled today as Christians are one of the most, if not the most persecuted "religious group" in the world today) and these "extremists" will be beheaded for their faith and defiantly refusing to enter the new world order that comes about after the mayhem of the rapture and resulting wars (plus economic collapse, famine etc).
This new world order requires that payment for goods and services must come from some kind of mark implemented onto all humans during this time (there are many speculations on what that may be, however the technology for this exists today and will likely include an all-in-one I.D. for every human being).
So what about the escape plan? The rescue? Yes, the rapture. There is sound biblical basis for the rapture, and more importantly, for the pre-tribulation rapture (i.e., the taking away of saints before judgement arrives). A discussion on this is more than what I will explain here. But I believe it's real, and makes the most biblical sense from all the scenarios and interpretations. For those who wish to investigate, perhaps a study on Revelation 12:5 would help - and to start by identifying the child that gets "caught up" (raptured) into heaven. I believe it is the true church. You might like to have a look at the work of Dr Michael Svigel here to investigate further. Dr Svigel revisits some of the original proponents of the rapture doctrine and how they arrived at their conclusions. Is it happening this month? Who knows. All the more reason to get our lives reconciled today.
biblical prophecy
So let's look at how the alignment of history written ahead of time is playing out today. Before we start, have a think about the probability of what is written by different people, across different geographical locations, sometimes hundreds or thousands or years apart, all contained in the Bible... and all happening today in an integrated way.
History written ahead of time, is biblical prophecy. Because our Father created time itself, it's no trouble, sitting outside of time, to have a look factually, and what culmination of decisions humanity makes in our fallen state, to require intervention as part of His plan to deal with evil and bring the fulfilment of salvation to all mankind. He has written to us to inform us about these days... and they are happening in this generation. Our loving Father has let us know in His writings to us thousands of years ago in the Bible.
I can't see a way for the convergence of what is happening today, to stay that way for very long. There is a unique window where unprecedented events and alignments are happening that to the logical watcher, is very hard to see continuing without coming to something significant.
JD Farag describes this well in his recent video updates. I've included some recent updates below, which show how the following scriptures (plus others) are happening as we speak:
Isaiah 17: The Destruction of Damascus, Syria. This city becomes a "ruinous heap", something that is very close today. It is still functioning, and there are parts of the city that are not yet a "ruinous heap", however it's really only a concerted airstrike away from being brought to rubble. This likely sets in motion the next scripture.
Ezekiel 38: The alliance of nations led by Russia and Iran, against Israel in a huge strike. It seems a likely interpretation that modern day Saudi Arabia (possibly along with UK / US) are brought to merely protesting, asking the question of their motive "are you taking a spoil". JD describes this as being the removal of the "SP" to leave "OIL". It seems Russia is literally leaking money in their cost of oil production that would bring the huge oil find in the contested Golan controlled by Israel (10 times the average oil field discovery in the world) very attractive to them. However the point is, this alliance is decimated. God stamps His authority on Israel, delivers them (although it may seem they are nearly overrun) and this miraculous delivery from this alliance tells all parties Who is in charge.
Zechariah 12: Jerusalem is a "burdensome stone for all people" and "all that burden themselves with it shall be cut to pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it". We have seen the escalation of anti-Jewish sentiment recently, and especially the UN in 2017 where they voted against Jerusalem being Israel's capital. Even though Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in ancient scripture of the Jewish people for thousands of years, and not mentioned once in the Quran, the world thinks it can dictate where Israel should have it's capital? How many countries have their capital voted on the international stage?
Here's a 5 minute explanation from Arab-Christian Pastor JD Farag showing how some of the prophecy pieces fit together from scripture and you can see how closely they align to what we are seeing today.
JD Farag Video - 5 mins
I don't have a problem with debate and discussion about these things. We need robust answers, and of course not all will agree. However in matters so critical to our everyday lives as the rapture, return of Christ, judgement upon earth... it concerns me that more is not discussed in religious circles. Churches avoid end-times talk like they're scared of it themselves! Yes, there has been great misrepresentation made about these topics - many well publicised "date setters" have put the whole debate out of balance, and created a "taboo" environment that has done great damage to the effectiveness of God's very Word to us about these times. Others come across as quite proud, and still quite closed to looking at alternatives. Many religious ministers are too busy, not interested, and not able to understand enough themselves to discuss in a free manner - in a way that provides on-the-ground assistance to those grappling with these issues. I understand this, yet I hope that by discussing these things here, perhaps a new opening for this important part of faith can be established - especially in these very prophetic times.
The fact is, the rapture of the family of God from the earth - rescuing his family before his judgement on evil over a 7-year period - has a solid basis in the Word of our Creator Himself! This includes the biblical basis for a pre-tribulation rapture. While the "when" question raises it's head all the time, it does get a little tiring because there's so much more to question before that. The best course of action is to look at everything else that lines up with scripture first, and then get an idea from there. Mostly - be alert, watchful, and pay attention to what Jesus did say about the time of the end. It really does matter!
The Month of May 2018
This month has a lot riding on it. Have you considered the statistical odds of such a diverse range of Biblical prophetic scriptures being in play as we speak, right now, all at the same time? We have discussed some of these above. This includes the possible soon destruction of Damascus to be a "ruinous heap" - remembering this is one of the world's longest continually-inhabited cities. Or the alignment of Russia, Iran and Turkey - something that has never before occurred (and who all have military presence in the North of Israel - where Ezekiel 38 says this alliance will invade from) and on it goes.
However, place these prophecies in the context of Israel's 70th anniversary since it's rebirth on May 14, 1948. This is happening today, 14th May 2018. 70 years is the biblical definition of a generation (or 80 years if by strength - Psalm 90), and what I believe as the generation spoken of by Jesus himself in Matthew where he says that the generation that sees the fig tree (symbolic for Israel) put forth leaves should know Jesus is at the door, and further - that generation "shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled" (Matt 24:34) - including the coming of Christ. These few lines above, should have us all taking notice.
In addition, we have the culmination of 6 weeks of Palestinian protests, particularly in the March of Return final march, where thousands are expected to storm the Israeli border with Gaza. This is being incited by Hamas who is one of a list of agenda-driven parties who seek the destruction of Israel.
The US, followed by a number of other nations, are moving their embassies to Jerusalem, from Tel Aviv thus recognising Israel's capital. President Trump specifically chose May 14 2018 to coincide with the 70th anniversary date, to open the new embassy. Trump has incredible favour amongst Israelis, including the Temple Institute who have minted coins (shekels) in honour of Trump being akin to Cyrus - the Persian ruler who decreed the new temple to be built in ancient Israeli times. Regardless of what opinion you have about Trump, it does seem apparent he is speeding up the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy in a number of spheres.
In fact the new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a Christian who has said Jesus is the "only solution" for the world. He has also spoken about the never ending struggle against evil that we will have to continue to battle until the rapture.
Then we can look at all the astronomical alignments. There are too many to list here. These are planets and stars that are mathematically designed to follow a pattern and orbit that when viewed from earth, make some amazing statements. We could look at the US Eclipse, the first in 99 years that crossed the nation, and will happen again in just 7 years. It crossed 7 "salems" in the US, an old name for Jerusalem... there are just so many things surrounding this eclipse it's amazing. Or the Revelation 12 sign - the alignment that has not been matched in 6,000 years and not for at least another 1,000 years - yet on September 23, 2017, matched a detailed description in Revelation 12:1-2 just 3 verses away from the "rapture verse" (v5). I believe this is a road-sign we have passed to say those in Christ's family are going up soon.
It's worth zooming out and having a look at this short video with just a sample of the headlines over 6 days leading to 29 April. It covers statements from Russia, Iran, Turkey, the US, Israel, France and more, about each other including threats of war and "nation rising up against nation".
JD Farag Headlines 2min 52sec
One of the main things on the horizon soon, is the much anticipated Middle East peace deal, being worked on by Trump and his Middle East envoy headed by Jared Kushner. Trump has previously stated that getting a deal made is one of his greatest motivations (and by the guy who wrote the book on the art of the deal). One of the obstacles at present, is the PLO and in particular, Mahmoud Abbas. It's interesting though on this timing alone, in that it's believed that the days of Abbas are numbered, if not only for his health. Abbas leaving his post, would leave a vacuum for someone else to come in, who could be a key for accepting this coming deal. This would then be Daniel 9:27 where a week is 7 years and this agreement is enforced by the anti-Christ. A figure who deceives the world after the rapture.
This post has not even touched on technology updates which are incredible. AI is steaming ahead so fast now. Boston Dynamics are looking to make their Spot Mini robotic dog available next year (you might be aware of their terminator-like robot "Atlas" who can now run around a yard and jump obstacles, do back flips and see using Lidar and other sensors. It weighs about the same as a human, running on batteries). Google has rebranded it's research division to be "Google AI" which represents the primary direction this company has gone in recent years. Remembering Putin's statement last year, that the person who masters AI, will rule the world. Also, Google overtook Apple briefly last year to be the world's most valuable company. Yes that's right - Google is right up there... It's the new arms race... Then we have European scientists that have created an embryo in a lab, without egg or sperm (see here). There are so many things happening in the tech fields, it's a long post I've yet to write.
For daily updates on many of these things around technology and geopolitics, and in fact the deep connection of God's amazing design and sovereignty playing out today, I'd recommend a visit to DailyCrow.com.
Mostly though, my desire is that we would see we are part of a bigger picture and plan. This life is not the whole story. Don't be tricked into thinking we have to worry about our lives here. Jesus himself, the Son of our Creator-Father said that we are not to worry! He said many things will happen, but don't worry - He's coming back, and it's all in hand. He is going away to prepare a place for those who have accepted Him. Think outside time for a bit - look from God's perspective. Everything is ok. There is a plan, and it's coming to pass. This world as it is will be left to it's own devices for a short time soon, and judgement will come, but if we have accepted His very Spirit (an amazing miracle on offer - and something that is really worth pausing to reflect on - yes the very spirit of our Creator can and wants to live in YOU... today! -see the good news and make a decision!) - if we are part of His family today, then we are safe. Eternity together, in a new paradise with new bodies, new heavens and earth, and greater consciousness and knowledge (see 1 Cor 13:12) awaits those who are in His family.
My prayer is that you would join His family today and be filled with the Source of love and life.