Almost 1500 years of Christian music in just 7.5 minutes! - An A Capella Medley
Some of the most beautiful hymns through to modern songs. Singing the praises of our Creator for what he has done for us, and has prepared for our future.
All vaccines are not created equal. In 2020, vaccines can be produced so quickly if they are synthetic, and contain coding that our body can read at a genetic level to provide a response. However that’s not the whole story. A raft of technologies are being developed to be included in this COVID vaccine, or one in the near future, that should have us take notice of where our future lies and the choices we have to make today.
The evidence-based study of thousands of those who have had a near-death-experience (NDE) shows amazing commonalities across all cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds including being more alert and conscious when leaving their bodies, seeing a being of light and love, and having a life review. This update looks at how real the afterlife is and what has been discovered since the term NDE was coined in 1975.
In these last days, as a person who shared this message personally with well over 200 million people, and in the context of an almighty Creator with a divine plan, Billy Graham's passing is absolutely no coincidence. Especially in connection to the timing. (3 new article links and extracts).
Rapture is comin' It's all prophecy...rapper Kendrick Lamar - Black Panther 2018. Studies have shown our brains are pre-wired for music.Considering the recent Florida shooting, this JD Farag update looks at music. Much of the music that people idolise, was written and sung by devout followers of Aleister Crowley and his self-proclaimed satanism.
We are living in the most incredible time in the history of mankind. The window is fast-closing for our decision. In the context of design we find that coincidence is merely a psychological construct. The signs leading up to the Big Evacuation and the Great Transition continue at a rapid rate.
The evidence-based study of thousands of those who have had a near-death-experience (NDE) shows amazing commonalities across all cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds including being more alert and conscious when leaving their bodies, seeing a being of light and love, and having a life review. This update looks at how real the afterlife is and what has been discovered since the term NDE was coined in 1975.